2015 – Clauses for participation
The competitors are divided into following age groups:
- Group A – up to 13 years
- Group B – from 13 to 15 years
- Group C – from 15 to 17 years
- Group C1 – from 18 to 22 years
- Group D – from 22 to 26 years
2015 – Application form
Application form
2015 – Competition program
Group A
1. V. Shtelokov – Child concert or J.Pourret – Concertino #1
2. A piece at choice
Group B
1. L. Kogan Concerto Es dur or V. Shtelokov №3
2. A piece at choice
Group C
I. Tour
1. J.NEruda– Concerto in Es dur – I mov.
2. A piese at choice
II. Tour
1. N. Takov - Competition piese
2. A piece at choice
Group C1
I. Tour
1. J.N.Humel–Concerto Es dur–I mov.2. A piece at choice
II. Tour
1.Al.Gedike-Concert etude op.49
2. A piese at choice
Group D
I. Tour
1. J. Haydn – Concerto in Es dur – I mov.2. A piece at choice : G.Enesco – Legend, A. Honegger – Intrada, E. Bozza-Rustiques
II. Tour
1. O. Bohme – Concerto in F moll – I mov.
2. A piece of virtuoso character at choice